Development of PTFE Material with Chemical Resistance and High Electro-Conductivity.

Project Summary
In businesses that produce or handle harmful compounds, sensors are needed to detect leakage early to avoid accidents. Metal can not be used for this leakage detection sensor due to corrosion. Therefore, it is necessary to develop high Elector-conductive polymer which can replace metal. CNT is a material with high electro conductivity that is essential for sensor development, but has no commercial applications. We intend to develop material(CNT + PTFE) with chemical resistance and high electro condutivity.

Business Model
Revenue generation : Sell the leakage detection sensor to the business establishment dealing with hazardous compounds.
Major customers : Hazardous Compound Manufacturer, Semiconductor / LCD Factory, PCB Plant, Plating Factory
Major Channel : Use existing semiconductor distribution network to proceed with sales at home and abroad. Direct sales of materials to sensor developers.

Main Achievements
Patents : 5 domestic patent applications and 1 domestic trademark application
creation of jobs : 3 persons (3 persons → 6 persons)
Date of Establishment2015-09-01
Date of TIPS Selection2016-12.01